Using Pinterest for Blog Traffic in 5 Simple but Important Steps

16 minutes
how to use pinterest to promote blog

Picture this: Your blog's sitting there, bursting with great content, but barely anyone's reading it. Frustrating, right? You've tried everything, but the traffic needle just won't budge. Sounds familiar?

Here's the thing: You're not alone. Countless bloggers face this exact problem every day. But what if there was a way to tap into a massive audience of 400 million active users? Enter Pinterest.

This visual powerhouse isn't just for recipes and DIY projects. It's a traffic-driving machine for smart bloggers. If you want to start using pinterest for blog traffic, you can master it in just 5 simple steps.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

Mark Twain

Mark Twain

He was an American humorist, author, and essayist.

Using Pinterest to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

Ever felt like your amazing blog posts are lost in the vast internet ocean? Well, guess what? Pinterest might just be your lighthouse! This isn't your average social media platform - it's a visual wonderland where your content can truly shine.

Think of Pinterest as Google's artsy cousin. Instead of boring text results, users find what they're looking for through beautiful images and videos. It's like a digital bulletin board where people pin their favorite ideas, and that's where you come in!

how do bloggers use pinterest

Benefits of Pinterest to Grow your Site Traffic

Let's face it, getting eyes on your blog can feel like shouting into the void sometimes. But what if I told you there's a secret weapon that could change all that? Enter Pinterest - your blog's soon-to-be BFF. Here's why you'll love using Pinterest for your blog:

  • Traffic Boost: Picture a steady steady stream of readers flowing to your blog. That's what Pinterest can do for you. Your pins become little signposts, guiding curious minds straight to your awesome content.
  • Content That Lives On: Unlike those blink-and-you-miss-it posts on other platforms, your pins stick around. They're like the energizer bunny of the internet, keeping going and going, sending readers your way for months or even years!
  • Your People Are Here: Pinterest users are on a mission. They're actively searching for content they care about. If that's what you're offering, you've hit the jackpot. It's like having a crowd of interested readers already gathered, just waiting for your content.
  • Get Your Name Out There: The more eye-catching pins you share, the more familiar people become with your brand. It's like leaving breadcrumbs all over Pinterest, leading readers back to your blog.
  • SEO Boost: Here's a neat trick - your pins can show up in Google Image searches too. That's double the chance of being found!
  • Show Me the Money: If you're looking to make some cash from your blog, Pinterest has got your back. You can use affiliate links, promote sponsored stuff, or even sell your own goodies.
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Step 1: Setting up Your Pinterest Business Account

First things first, we need to set you up with a Pinterest business account. Don't worry, it's free and packed with cool features that'll help your blog soar. Here's how to get the ball rolling:

Creating a Pinterest Business Account

To get started with a Pinterest business account, you have two options:

Option 1: Brand New Business Account

Want to keep your personal Pinterest life separate from your blogging empire? Smart move! Here's what you do:

  • Fire up your computer and head over to Pinterest's website.
  • Sign up with an email you haven't used for Pinterest before.
  • Fill in all the juicy details about your brand. Think of it as your blog's Pinterest resume - make it shine!

Option 2: Transforming Your Personal Account

Already have a Pinterest account and want to level it up? You can turn it into a business powerhouse! But heads up:

  • Your account will go public. (Time to shine!)
  • You'll need to unlink any connected accounts first. (It's like decluttering before a big move.)
using pinterest to drive traffic to your website

Once you're all set up, you'll unlock some seriously cool tools. My favorite? Pinterest Analytics. It's like having a crystal ball that shows you what's working and what's not.

Claim your Website

Now that you've got your business account set up, it's time to claim your website and unlock the power of Rich Pins. Trust me, this is where the magic happens!

  • Log into your account and head to Settings.
  • Look for "Claimed accounts" and hit "Claim" next to "Websites".
  • Choose how you want to verify - HTML tag, HTML file, or TXT record.

Why bother? Well, it's like giving Pinterest a direct line to your blog. You'll see how often your content is shared, and users can easily find more of your awesome stuff.

how to use pinterest for blog traffic

Enable Rich Pins

Rich Pins are like steroids for your pins. They automatically pull extra info from your site, making your pins irresistibly clickable. Here are the types you'll love:

  • Article Rich Pins: These show off your headline, description, and author name. It's like a mini-preview of your blog post!
  • Recipe Rich Pins: Food bloggers, this one's for you! It adds all the yummy details like serving size and cook time.
  • Product Rich Pins: Selling stuff? These pins keep your pricing and availability up-to-date.

To enable Rich Pins, you'll need to add some special tags to your website's code. It might sound techy, but it's totally doable!

    <meta property="og:type" content="article" />
    <meta property="og:title" content="{YOUR TITLE}" />
    <meta property="og:description" content="{YOUR DESCRIPTION}" />
    <meta property="og:url" content="{YOUR ARTICLE URL}" />
    <meta property="og:site_name" content="{YOUR SITE NAME}" />
    <meta property="article:published_time" content="{PUBLISH DATE}" />
    <meta property="article:author" content="{YOUR AUTHOR NAME}" />

By setting all this up, you're laying down a red carpet from Pinterest straight to your blog. You'll be more visible, drive more traffic, and get cool insights to keep improving.

Step 2: Optimize your Pinterest Profile

Alright, it's time to jazz up your Pinterest profile and make it irresistible to potential followers. Think of it as your blog's Pinterest business card - you want it to be eye-catching and informative!

Crafting a Well-Structured Bio

Your bio is your chance to tell the world what you're all about in just a few words. Here's how to make those words count:

  • Keep it snappy: You've got limited space, so make every word work for you. Tell folks who you are and what awesome content they can expect from you.
  • Sprinkle in those keywords: Think about what your ideal readers might be searching for on Pinterest. Weave those words into your bio naturally. It's like leaving breadcrumbs for your perfect audience to find you!
  • Think like a search engine: Use as many relevant keywords as you can squeeze in without sounding like a robot. This helps Pinterest understand what you're about and show you to the right people.
how to use pinterest to drive traffic to your blog

Not sure which keywords to use? No worries! Here are some tricks:

  • Play with Pinterest's auto-suggest: Start typing a phrase related to your blog and see what Pinterest suggests. It's like getting a peek into what people are searching for!
  • Try guided search: This can help you find those longer, more specific phrases that could lead readers straight to you.
  • Check out Pinterest Keyword Planner: This tool can show you which keywords are hot right now.

Remember, your profile is your Pinterest welcome mat. Make it inviting and you'll have new followers (and blog readers) in no time!

pinterest for blog traffic

Choosing an Incredible Profile Pic

Let's talk about your Pinterest profile picture. This little image is a big deal - it's often the first thing people notice about you on the platform. So, let's make it count!

Here's how to pick a profile pic that pops:

  • Quality is key: Make sure your image is crystal clear, even when it's tiny. No one likes a blurry blob!
  • Show off your brand: If you're a solo blogger, a friendly headshot works wonders. Running a business blog? Your logo could be perfect.
  • Stay consistent: Use the same pic across all your social media. It's like wearing your favorite outfit everywhere - people will start to recognize you!
  • Size matters: Pinterest likes square images, at least 165 x 165 pixels. PNG or JPG will do the trick.
  • Center stage: Put your face or logo front and center. Don't let a busy background steal the show!
  • Stand out: Think about using colors that pop against Pinterest's white background. It's like wearing a bright shirt in a sea of gray suits!
  • Keep it fresh: Update your pic now and then. It shows you're active and keeps things interesting.
how to use pinterest to drive traffic

Your profile picture and bio work together like a dynamic duo. They're your first impression, your handshake, and your elevator pitch all rolled into one.

Step 3: Creating and Organizing Pinterest Boards

Alright, it's time to roll up our sleeves and create some Pinterest boards that'll make your followers drool. Think of your boards as the chapters of your blog's story - each one telling a different part of your tale.

Develop a Board Strategy

First things first, let's whip up some boards that match what you're serving on your blog. Are you a blogging guru? How about boards like "Blogging 101", "Content Creation Magic", "Blog Growth Hacks", "Monetize Your Blog", and "Blogger's Productivity Corner"? Yum!

Now, here's the secret sauce: Pinterest is more of a search engine than a social media platform. So when you're naming your boards, think like your readers. What would they type into that search bar? Be specific and use those juicy keywords. Instead of just "SEO", try "SEO Tricks for Busy Bloggers."

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Organize your Board Buffet:

  • Create eye-catching board covers for your personal boards. It's like putting your best dishes at the front of the buffet!
  • To edit your boards, just click that little pencil icon in the bottom right corner.
  • Double-check your board names. Are they packed with keywords? Specific enough? If not, give them a quick makeover.
  • Don't forget to choose the right category for each board. It helps Pinterest serve up your content to the right hungry audience.
how to use pinterest for blogging

Writing SEO-Friendly Board Descriptions

Alright, it's time to give your Pinterest boards some serious SEO love. Think of your board descriptions as the enticing menu descriptions at a fancy restaurant - they need to make people's mouths water!

Here's how to whip up some irresistible board descriptions:

  • Follow this tasty recipe: [What's on the menu] + [How it'll solve their problem] + [Who's gonna love it]
  • Sprinkle in 1-2 high-volume keywords right at the start. It's like putting the most delicious ingredients front and center.
  • Address your readers' pain points. What's keeping them up at night? How will your board content be their superhero?
  • Get specific about who you're cooking for. "Busy moms", "Aspiring entrepreneurs", "Fitness newbies" - let your tribe know you're talking to them!
  • Keep it conversational. Write like you're chatting with a friend over coffee, not reciting a dictionary.
  • Front-load those keywords. It helps Pinterest (and your readers) quickly get what you're all about.
  • End with a little nudge. Something like "Dive into our spring fashion tips now!" or "Get the full recipe on our blog!"
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A few things to avoid:

  • Skip the hashtags in your board descriptions. They're like non-functional buttons - they look nice but don't do anything!
  • Don't go overboard with keywords. It's like over-seasoning a dish - a little goes a long way.

Step 4: Designing Pinterest-Friendly Images

Let's talk about creating pins that stop scrollers in their tracks. And guess what? Swiftpinz is about to become your new best friend in this pin-creating adventure!

Best Practices for Pin Creation

Got your Boards all set up? Awesome! Now let's dive into the fun part - creating pins that'll make your followers hit that save button faster than you can say "viral content."

Size Matters

First things first, let's get the size right. Pinterest loves vertical pins, ideally with a 2:3 ratio. Think 600 pixels wide by 900 pixels tall. Need more space? You can stretch to 600x1200.

Here's where Swiftpinz shines: it's got pre-set templates with 1000x1500px in the perfect Pinterest-friendly sizes. Max quality possible just with your article URL!

Make It Pop

Remember, most folks are scrolling Pinterest on their phones. Your pin needs to grab attention faster than a cat video! Use high-quality, relevant images that scream "Click me!"

Not in a visually exciting niche? No worries! In Swiftpinz, you can create sleek, professional-looking pins with AI generated images perfect generated for your blog article! Images of laptops, planners, or even coffee cups (because, let's face it, productivity runs on caffeine).

Text That Tempts

Your pin's text should be like a mini billboard - attention-grabbing and irresistible. Swiftpinz offers the best AI generated text for your blog posts. It's like having a personalized copywriter write your headlines for you!

Plus, it's super easy to play around with different options until you find the perfect look.

Brand It!

Consistency is key in building your Pinterest empire. Swiftpinz lets you save your brand colors and fonts, so every pin you create looks like part of your blog family. It's like giving all your pins matching outfits!

Don't forget to slap your blog's URL on every pin. Swiftpinz makes this easy with customizable templates - just set it up once, and you're good to go!

Step 5: Implementing a Pinterest Marketing Strategy

Alright, Pinterest pro-in-the-making, you've got your account set up, your boards are looking snazzy, and your pins are popping.

Now it's time to kick things into high gear with a killer Pinterest marketing strategy. Don't worry, it's not as scary as it sounds!

Craete your Marketing Strategy on Pinterest

Consistency is The Top Priority

Here's the secret sauce: Pinterest loves consistency. But don't worry, you don't need to be glued to your screen 24/7. Enter the magic of batch creation.

Imagine this: Spend one productive afternoon creating 60 pins for the next two months. That's right, two whole months of content ready to go! It's like meal prepping, but for your Pinterest account.

how to use pinterest to drive traffic to your website

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Now, you could manually post a pin every day... or you could use a scheduling approach to do the heavy lifting for you. Many bloggers find success by setting aside a couple of hours each month to schedule all their pins in advance.

Here's a simple process:

  • Create your batch of pins
  • Write compelling descriptions for each
  • Plan out your pinning schedule
  • Use a scheduling method to set up your pins in advance

The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.

Stephen Covey

Stephen Covey

He was an American writer, journalist, and political commentator.

By following this strategy, you'll be consistently serving up fresh content to your audience, keeping them engaged and driving traffic back to your blog. And the best part? Once you've set it up, it practically runs itself!


Wow, what a journey we've been on! You've just unlocked the secrets to making Pinterest your blog's new best friend. Let's take a quick look at what we've covered:

  • We set up your Pinterest business account - your shiny new home base.
  • We crafted a profile that screams "Follow me!" to your perfect audience.
  • We learned how to create pins that stop scrollers in their tracks.
  • We mapped out a pinning strategy that'll keep your content flowing.

What's Next?

Now, here's the thing: Pinterest isn't a 'set it and forget it' platform. It's always evolving, and so should your strategy. Keep an eye on those analytics, stay up-to-date with Pinterest's latest features, and don't be afraid to tweak your approach.

Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a Pinterest empire. It takes time, consistency, and a dash of patience. But stick with it, and you'll see those blog visitor numbers climb higher than you ever imagined.

You've got all the knowledge you need to make Pinterest work for your blog. Now get out there and start pinning your way to blogging success!


Is Pinterest Profitable for Bloggers?

Yes, Pinterest can be highly profitable when used effectively to drive targeted traffic to your blog, leading to increased ad revenue, affiliate sales, and product purchases.

What's the Potential of Pinterest for Blogging?

With over 400 million active users, Pinterest offers vast potential for bloggers to reach a large, engaged audience actively seeking inspiration and ideas in various niches.

Do Bloggers Make Money on Pinterest?

Bloggers don't earn directly on Pinterest but make money through the traffic it drives to their blogs, where they can monetize through various methods.

How Long Until I See Traffic from Pinterest?

Many bloggers start seeing results within 2-3 months of consistent pinning, but it's a long-term strategy that can provide steady traffic for years.

How to Monetize Pinterest Traffic?

Monetize through ad revenue on your blog, affiliate marketing, selling your own products or services, and sponsored content opportunities as your following grows.

Should I Start Using Pinterest?

For most bloggers, especially those in visual niches, starting with Pinterest is worthwhile. It's a powerful tool for increasing visibility and driving targeted traffic to your blog.

How many pins should I post per day?

Pinterest recommends posting 3-5 pins per day for optimal engagement. This steady flow keeps your content visible without overwhelming your followers or the Pinterest algorithm.

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