The Complete Guide in How to Make Pinterest Pins Go Viral! (10 Proved Strategies)

18 minutes
How to make Pinterest pins viral

Are you struggling to get noticed on Pinterest? Pinning your heart out but barely seeing any traffic? You're NOT alone.

Many creators pour hours into their Pinterest strategy, only to watch their pins disappear into the void. But there's hope! The secret lies in creating pins that go viral.

In this guide, we'll reveal the top strategies to make your pins irresistible, shareable, and traffic-driving machines. Ready to learn how to make Pinterest Pins go viral? 📌

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Walt Disney

Walt Disney

He was an American animator, film producer, voice actor, and entrepreneur.

The Importance of Creating Viral Pinterest Pins

Views and engagement are the lifeblood of your Pinterest success. They're not just numbers - they're proof that your content is resonating with your audience. But why exactly are they so crucial?

What does it mean to go viral on Pinterest?

Going viral on Pinterest isn't just about getting a lot of views. It's about creating a snowball effect of engagement. When a pin goes viral, it means:

  • Your content is being shared rapidly across the platform
  • You're seeing a sudden spike in repins, saves, and clicks
  • Your pin is reaching far beyond your immediate followers
  • Your website traffic is experiencing a significant boost

Imagine waking up to find your pin has been shared thousands of times overnight. That's the power of going viral on Pinterest!

How to find viral pins on pinterest

What makes a Pin go viral?

So, what's the secret sauce? While there's no guaranteed formula, viral pins often share these characteristics:

  • Eye-catching visuals: They stand out in a sea of images
  • Valuable content: They offer something useful or intriguing
  • Emotional appeal: They trigger feelings like excitement or curiosity
  • Timeliness: They tap into current trends or seasonal interests
  • Optimized descriptions: They use relevant keywords for discoverability
  • Clear call-to-action: They encourage users to engage further

Remember, creating viral-worthy it's about understanding your audience and crafting content that speaks directly to their needs and interests.

Pinterest pin examples

Here is one of our favorites and most popular pins 🤩. It was created using Swiftpinz and it went viral in just a few days, with over 10k views and over 500 saves.

10 Strategies to Make Your Pins Go Viral

These aren't just theoretical concepts - they're practical, actionable tips that successful pinners use every day.

Whether you're a small business owner, a blogger, or a social media enthusiast, these strategies will help you create pins that capture attention, drive engagement, and boost your traffic.

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs

He was an American entrepreneur, inventor, and software engineer.

Let's dive in and unlock the secrets to Pinterest virality!

1. Use Eye-Catching Visuals

In the visual feast that is Pinterest, your pins need to stand out from the crowd. Here's how to create visuals that stop scrollers in their tracks:

  • Use bold, vibrant colors: Bright hues catch the eye and evoke emotions.
  • Employ contrast: Make text pop by using contrasting colors or overlay effects.
  • Keep it clean: Avoid cluttered designs. Simple, clear visuals often perform best.
  • Use high-quality images: Use clear photos or graphics, aiming for 1000x1500 pixels.
  • Incorporate infographics: People love easily digestible information in visual form.
  • Try vertical images: Taller pins (2:3 aspect ratio) typically perform better on Pinterest.

Remember, your visuals should not only be attractive but also relevant to your content. A stunning image that doesn't relate to your topic won't drive the right kind of engagement.

Attract clicks with eye-catching pins on Pinterest

2. Use Keywords in Your Title and Description

Want your pins to be discovered? Keywords are your secret weapon. Here's how to use them effectively:

  • Research relevant keywords: Use Pinterest's search bar to find popular terms in your niche.
  • Include keywords in your pin title: Make it catchy, but ensure your main keyword is there.
  • Sprinkle keywords in your description: Don't stuff, but use them naturally.
  • Think like your audience: What words would they use to search for your content?
  • Use long-tail keywords: These specific phrases can help you target niche audiences.
  • Update seasonal keywords: Adjust your keywords to match current trends or holidays.

For example, instead of just "Chocolate Cake Recipe", try "Easy Moist Chocolate Cake Recipe for Beginners". This tells Pinterest exactly what your pin is about, increasing its chances of appearing in relevant searches.

If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one.

Dolly Parton

Dolly Parton

She is an American singer, actress, and songwriter.

3. Optimize your Pins for Searchability

You've created an eye-catching pin with the perfect keywords. Now, let's make sure Pinterest's search engine loves it too:

  • Add alt text: Describe your image using keywords. This helps Pinterest understand your content.
  • Create detailed, keyword-rich descriptions: Use up to 500 characters to describe your pin thoroughly.
  • Include a clear call-to-action: Tell users what to do next (e.g., "Click for the full recipe!").
  • Link to high-quality content: Ensure your pin leads to valuable, relevant content on your site.
  • Categorize correctly: Choose the most appropriate board and section for your pin.

Create multiple pins for the same content, each optimized for different search terms. This increases your chances of being found. But be careful! Do not publish all of them on the same day.

A quick example for a travel pin:

Incorrect ❌Correct ✅
Alt TextNoneEiffel Tower silhouette against orange sunset sky in Paris
Pin TitleCheck This Out!10 Best Spots to View the Eiffel Tower at Sunset
DescriptionNice view of Paris.

Discover the most romantic spots to watch the sun set behind the Eiffel Tower. Our guide includes insider tips on timing, avoiding crowds, and capturing the perfect photo.

Call-to-ActionNoneClick for our full Paris sunset guide!
BoardBest Recipes for BeginnersEuropean Travel Tips
Linked ContentHomepageDetailed blog post about Eiffel Tower viewing spots
Publishing5 similar pins on same day5 varied pins spread over two weeks

Riding the wave of trending topics can give your pins a major boost. Here's how to tap into the zeitgeist:

  • Keep an eye on the Trending tab: Pinterest showcases popular topics right on the home page.
  • Use Pinterest Trends: This tool shows you what's currently hot on the platform.
  • Stay seasonal: Plan content around upcoming holidays, events, or seasons.
  • Follow industry leaders: They often set trends in your niche.
  • Monitor social media: What's buzzing on other platforms often translates to Pinterest.
  • Be timely, but relevant: Only jump on trends that align with your brand or content.

For instance, if "minimalist home office" is trending, and you're in the home decor niche, create a pin showcasing sleek, clutter-free workspace ideas.

Analyze Pinterest trends to go viral in days

5. Post at the Right Time

Timing is everything on Pinterest. Posting when your audience is most active can significantly boost your pin's visibility and engagement. Here's how to nail your timing:

  • Use Pinterest Analytics: Check when your audience is most active.
  • Consider time zones: If you have a global audience, schedule pins accordingly.
  • Test different times: Experiment with posting at various hours to see what works best.
  • Think seasonally: Adjust your timing based on holidays or seasonal events.
  • Plan ahead: Pinterest users often search for ideas weeks or months in advance.

For example, if you're in the fitness niche, you might find that early mornings or evenings work best when people are thinking about their health goals.

Here are some examples that we took from our own Pinterest accounts to help you get started:

NicheBest DaysBest Times (EST)
Food & RecipesFriday, Saturday, Sunday8-11 PM, 2-4 PM
Fashion & BeautyFriday, Saturday3-4 PM, 8-11 PM
Home DecorSaturday, Sunday11 AM-3 PM, 9-11 PM
TravelSaturday, Sunday9 PM-12 AM
Fitness & HealthMonday, Tuesday6-9 AM, 7-9 PM
DIY & CraftsSaturday, Sunday1-4 PM, 8-11 PM
ParentingSaturday, Sunday8-11 PM
FinanceMonday, Wednesday7-10 PM
TechnologyTuesday, Thursday4-6 PM, 8-11 PM
EducationSunday, Monday6-11 PM

Don't just post once and forget. Repin your content to different boards at different times to maximize exposure.

6. Be Consistent

Consistency is key to building a strong presence on Pinterest. It's not just about posting regularly, but also about maintaining a cohesive brand identity. Here's how to stay consistent:

  • Establish a posting schedule: Whether it's daily or weekly, stick to a routine your audience can count on.
  • Create a brand style guide: Use consistent colors, fonts, and imagery across all your pins.
  • Maintain your voice: Keep your tone and messaging consistent in pin descriptions and linked content.
  • Use templates: Create a set of pin templates to streamline your design process and maintain visual consistency.
  • Balance your content: Mix up your pin types (e.g., infographics, photos, text-based) but keep them on-brand.
  • Stay true to your niche: Focus on your area of expertise to build authority.

For instance, if you're a food blogger, you might post new recipe pins every Monday and Wednesday, using the same font and color scheme each time.

Go viral in Pinterest with consistent content

Or you can just use Swiftpinz to avoid all these hassles. You have a free plan that allows you to generate and schedule pins per day, and it's easy to use!

7. Pin New and Relevant Content

Keeping your Pinterest profile fresh with new and relevant content is crucial for maintaining engagement and attracting new followers. Here's how to stay on top of your game:

  • Create original content regularly: Aim to produce new pins linking to your latest blog posts, products, or services.
  • Stay up-to-date with trends: Incorporate current topics and interests in your niche into your pins.
  • Repurpose existing content: Give old blog posts or products new life with fresh pin designs.
  • Curate high-quality content: Share pins from other creators that your audience would find valuable (but maintain a healthy balance with your own content).
  • Use Pinterest's "Fresh Content" feature: This gives priority to new pins in the Smart Feed.
  • Update seasonal content: Refresh and re-pin relevant seasonal content as holidays or events approach.

For example, if you're a fashion blogger, you might create new pins showcasing the latest trends each season, while also updating and re-pinning your evergreen style advice content.

What is a pin click on pinterest
How to create viral pins on pinterest

Remember, while it's important to pin frequently, quality should never be sacrificed for quantity.

8. Replicate What it Works

Success leaves clues. By analyzing and replicating your best-performing pins, you can boost your overall Pinterest strategy. Here's how to do it:

  • Monitor your analytics: Regularly check which pins are getting the most engagement.
  • Identify common elements: Look for patterns in your top-performing pins. Is it the color scheme? The font? The image style?
  • Create variations: Once you've identified what works, create new pins with similar elements but different content.
  • A/B test: Try small changes to successful pins to see if you can improve performance even further.
  • Learn from competitors: Look at what's working for others in your niche (but don't copy directly).
  • Repurpose successful content: If a blog post is performing well, create multiple pins for it with different designs.

For instance, if your infographic about "5 Easy Workout Tips" went viral, you might create a series of similar infographics on related fitness topics.

If you're not making mistakes, then you're not making decisions.

Catherine Cook

Catherine Cook

She is an American entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker.

Remember, replication doesn't mean duplication. The goal is to understand what resonates with your audience and apply those insights to new content.

9. Use Multiple Boards

Boards are the backbone of your Pinterest strategy

, and using them effectively can significantly boost your pin's visibility. Here's how to make the most of multiple boards:

  • Create themed boards: Organize your content into specific categories that appeal to different segments of your audience.
  • Use descriptive board names: Make it easy for users to find what they're looking for.
  • Create secret boards: Use these for planning and organizing before making content public.
  • Contribute to group boards: This can expand your reach to new audiences.
  • Keep boards active: Regularly add new pins to keep your boards fresh and engaging.

For example, if you have a travel pin about "Best Cafes in Paris", you could pin it to boards like "European Travel", "Foodie Destinations", and "Paris Guide".

How do i make my pinterest pins go viral

Boards are not just organizational tools—they're discovery tools for your audience. Well-organized, active boards can attract followers and increase your overall Pinterest presence.

Don't forget to optimize your board descriptions with relevant keywords to improve searchability.

10. Check Your Analytics

Understanding your Pinterest performance is crucial for refining your strategy and boosting your success. Here's how to make the most of your analytics:

  • Track key metrics: Focus on impressions, engagement, click-throughs, and saves.
  • Analyze audience demographics: Understand who's engaging with your content.
  • Monitor traffic sources: See where your Pinterest traffic is coming from.
  • Set benchmarks: Compare your current performance to past periods.
  • Make data-driven decisions: Use insights to inform your content strategy and posting schedule.
how to make a viral pin on pinterest

For instance, if you notice that pins about "quick weeknight dinners" consistently outperform other recipe pins, you might focus on creating more content in this category.

Remember, analytics are a roadmap to what your audience wants. Regularly reviewing and acting on these insights can dramatically improve your Pinterest performance.

4 Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even the most seasoned Pinterest marketers can fall into traps that hinder their success. Let's explore five common mistakes and how to avoid them, ensuring your Pinterest strategy stays on track:

1. Forgetting about Mobile Users

Did you know that over 85% of Pinterest users access the platform via mobile devices? Ignoring this fact can seriously impact your pin's performance. Here's what to keep in mind:

  • Keep text readable: Use large, clear fonts that are easy to read on small screens.
  • Test on mobile: Always preview your pins on a smartphone before publishing.
  • Optimize linked content: Ensure your website or landing page is mobile-friendly too.

Remember, if it doesn't look good on mobile, it probably won't perform well overall.

how to make your pinterest pins go viral

2. Overloading Pins with Too Much Text

While text can be important, too much can be overwhelming. Here's how to strike a balance:

  • Use text strategically: Include just enough to pique interest.
  • Prioritize visuals: Let images do most of the talking.
  • Keep it legible: Ensure text is easy to read, especially on mobile.
  • Use text overlay sparingly: Don't cover up engaging visuals with excessive text.

Remember, Pinterest is a visual platform first. Let your images shine!

A picture is worth a thousand words.
Fred R. Barnard

Fred R. Barnard

He was an English illustrator, caricaturist and genre painter.

3. Focusing only on Self-Promotion

While it's tempting to only promote your own content, this can limit your reach. Instead:

  • Follow the 80/20 rule: 80% valuable content, 20% promotion.
  • Share others' content: Curate relevant pins from other creators.
  • Provide value: Focus on how your content helps your audience.
  • Be subtle: Incorporate your products or services naturally into useful content.

Building trust and providing value will ultimately lead to more engagement and conversions.

What is considered viral on pinterest

4. Not Engaging with Your Community

Pinterest isn't just a broadcasting platform; it's a community. Avoid being a silent pinner:

  • Respond to comments: Engage with users who interact with your pins.
  • Join group boards: Collaborate with others in your niche.
  • Follow relevant accounts: Build relationships with influencers and potential customers.
  • Regularly check notifications: Stay on top of interactions and trending content.

Remember, engagement is a two-way street. The more you interact, the more visibility you'll gain.


Congratulations! You've now got a solid understanding of what it takes to create viral pins and avoid common pitfalls on Pinterest. By implementing these strategies and steering clear of these mistakes, you're well on your way to Pinterest success.

Remember, it's not about overnight viral hits, but consistent, thoughtful effort that pays off in the long run.

What's Next?

Now that you're armed with this knowledge, it's time to take action:

  • Audit your current Pinterest strategy: Look at your existing pins and boards. How can you improve them based on what you've learned?
  • Create an action plan: Prioritize which strategies you'll implement first. Maybe start with optimizing your visuals or diving deep into your analytics.
  • Experiment and iterate: Try different approaches and see what works best for your unique audience. Pinterest success often comes through trial and error.
  • Stay updated: Pinterest is always evolving. Keep learning and adapting your strategy as the platform changes.
  • Be patient and persistent: Building a strong Pinterest presence takes time. Stay consistent and results will follow.

Remember, creating viral-worthy pins isn't just about luck - it's about understanding your audience, crafting compelling content, and leveraging the power of Pinterest's features.

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker

He was an Austrian-born American management consultant, educator, and author.

Our tool, Swiftpinz, can help you create eye-catching, optimized pins that are designed to attract clicks and shares. It's the perfect companion to implement all the strategies you've learned today.


To make your pins popular, focus on creating high-quality, visually appealing content that provides value to your audience. Use eye-catching images, write compelling descriptions with relevant keywords, and pin consistently.

Engage with your community by commenting on and sharing others' pins. Don't forget to optimize for mobile users and post at times when your audience is most active.

Lastly, use Pinterest analytics to understand what content resonates with your followers and create more of what works.

How long does it take for a pin to go viral?

There's no set timeline for a pin to go viral – it can happen overnight or take weeks. Some pins gain traction slowly and steadily, while others explode in popularity quickly.

Factors like your follower count, the quality of your pin, its relevance to current trends, and even a bit of luck all play a role.

Virality isn't guaranteed, but consistently creating high-quality, shareable content increases your chances of having a pin take off.

How do I optimize my Pinterest pins?

To optimize your pins, start by using high-quality, vertical images with a 2:3 aspect ratio. Include relevant keywords in your pin title, description, and even the image file name. Make sure your pin links to valuable, relevant content on your website.

Pin to the most appropriate boards and consider creating multiple pins for the same content with different designs or descriptions. Regularly check your Pinterest analytics to understand what's working and refine your approach accordingly.

How do I make my Pinterest pins more engaging?

To boost engagement, create pins that provide clear value to your audience. Use bright, eye-catching visuals and include a strong call-to-action in your design or description. Ask questions or encourage interaction in your pin descriptions.

Create infographics or step-by-step guides that users will want to save for later. Experiment with video pins or carousel pins for more interactive content.

Timing is also crucial – post when your audience is most active. Lastly, engage with your community by responding to comments and sharing others' content to foster a sense of connection and encourage reciprocal engagement.

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