Pinterest Description Best Practices: 10 Tips to Boost Your Ranking

12 minutes
Pinterest description examples

Are you looking to boost your Pinterest game and drive more traffic to your site? You're in the right place! Pinterest descriptions are the secret sauce that can make or break your pins' success.

Here, we'll dive into the Pinterest description best practices that'll have users clicking through to your content faster than you can say "pinned!" 📸

Ready to unlock the power of persuasive pin descriptions? Let's get started!

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Understanding a Pinterest Description

A Pinterest description is the text that accompanies your pin, providing context and information about the image or content you're sharing. It's your chance to tell users what they'll find if they click through to your site.

how to write a good pinterest description

Importance of adding a Pinterest Description

You might wonder why you should bother with descriptions when Pinterest is all about visuals. Well, let me tell you a quick story.

Check Emma, a food blogger, used to post her mouthwatering cake photos without descriptions. Her pins looked great, but they weren't getting much traction. Once she started adding detailed, keyword-rich descriptions, her traffic skyrocketed.

Adding a Pinterest description is crucial for several reasons:

  1. It helps users understand your content better. Not everyone can grasp the full context from an image alone.
  2. Descriptions make your pins searchable. Pinterest's algorithm uses this text to categorize and display your pins in relevant searches.
  3. They provide an opportunity to showcase your brand's voice. You can connect with your audience through your writing style.
  4. Well-crafted descriptions can entice users to click through to your website. This is your chance to pique their interest and promise value.
  5. They improve accessibility. Users with visual impairments rely on descriptions to understand your content.
what to put in pinterest description

Remember, a good Pinterest description is like a friendly tour guide for your pin. It points out the highlights and tells users why they should care.

In the next section, we'll dive into specific tips to help you write descriptions that'll have users clicking faster than you can say "pin it!"

10 Tips to Write a Pinterest Description

You're about to become a Pinterest description pro! Let's dive into the first three tips that'll help you craft descriptions that grab attention and drive traffic.

1. Keep it concise

Ever tried to read a novel on a tiny screen? Not fun, right? The same goes for Pinterest descriptions.

Your description should be short and sweet, like a teaser trailer for your content. Aim for 200-300 characters. That's about 2-3 sentences.

Jenny, a travel blogger, used to write lengthy descriptions detailing every aspect of her trips. Her engagement was low. When she switched to concise, punchy descriptions, her click-through rate doubled!

what are the main features of pinterest

2. Use keywords

Keywords are the secret sauce of Pinterest SEO. They help your pins show up in search results.

Think about what your audience might be searching for. If you're pinning a recipe for chocolate chip cookies, include keywords like "easy baking", "homemade dessert", or "best chocolate chip cookies".

Don't just stuff your description with keywords, though. Use them naturally, as if you're chatting with a friend.

pinterest creative best practices

3. Front-load important information

Imagine you're in a hurry, scrolling through Pinterest. You probably don't read every word of every description, right?

That's why you need to put the most important info at the beginning of your description. If you're sharing a how-to guide, start with "Learn how to...". If it's a recipe, begin with "Quick and easy recipe for".

This way, even if users only read the first few words, they'll get the gist of your pin. It's like giving them the headline of a news story before diving into the details.

pinterest best practices

4. Add a call-to-action

Ever noticed how TV commercials always end with "Buy now!" or "Visit our website"? That's because calls-to-action work.

Your Pinterest description should guide users on what to do next. It could be as simple as "Click for the full recipe" or "Read more tips on our blog".

Take Sarah, a fitness influencer. Her workout pins used to get lots of likes but few clicks. When she started adding "Swipe up for the full workout routine!" at the end of her descriptions, her website traffic jumped by 30%.

Remember, be clear and direct. Your followers want to know what's in it for them.

5. Provide context

Context is king on Pinterest. Users scrolling through their feed need to understand quickly what your pin is about.

Let's say you're pinning a photo of a beautiful living room. Instead of just writing "Living room decor", try "Scandinavian-inspired living room makeover on a budget".

This gives users a clearer picture of what they'll find if they click through. It's like giving them a sneak peek behind the curtain.

6. Be specific

Vague descriptions are the quickest way to lose potential clicks. The more specific you are, the more likely you are to attract the right audience.

Instead of "Delicious pasta recipe", try "15-minute creamy garlic parmesan pasta - perfect for busy weeknights!"

Tom, a DIY blogger, used to describe his woodworking projects as "Easy DIY". When he switched to more specific descriptions like "Beginner-friendly DIY floating shelves - complete in one weekend", his engagement rate tripled.

pinterest business best practices

Being specific not only attracts more clicks but also sets the right expectations for your content. It's like giving your followers a mini-preview of what they'll get when they visit your site.

7. Use a friendly, conversational tone

Imagine you're chatting with a friend over coffee. That's the tone you want in your Pinterest descriptions.

Ditch the formal language and speak directly to your audience. Instead of "This article provides information on gardening techniques", try "Dreaming of a lush garden? These tips will turn your thumb green in no time!"

Emma, a lifestyle blogger, saw her engagement soar when she switched from stuffy descriptions to a more casual tone. She started using phrases like "Hey there, plant lovers!" and "Trust me, you'll want to try this".

pinterest description examples

Remember, Pinterest is a social platform. Keep it social!

8. Include numbers or lists

Our brains love numbers and lists. They're easy to process and promise clear, actionable content.

Instead of "Healthy breakfast ideas", try "7 quick and healthy breakfast ideas for busy mornings". It's specific and tells users exactly what they'll get.

Jack, a fitness guru, used to share workout tips with generic descriptions. When he started using numbers ("5-minute ab workout" or "Top 3 exercises for toned arms"), his pins started getting shared like crazy.

Numbers give your descriptions structure and make your content seem more valuable and comprehensive.

9. Avoid excessive punctuation or all caps


Excessive punctuation or all caps can make your descriptions look spammy. They're the digital equivalent of a used car salesman yelling through a megaphone.

Keep it clean and professional. Use punctuation sparingly and for emphasis only when necessary. Instead of "MUST-TRY RECIPE!!!" opt for "You've got to try this recipe - it's a game-changer".

10. Proofread

Nothing undermines your credibility faster than typos or grammatical errors. They're like showing up to a job interview with your shirt inside out.

Always double-check your descriptions before hitting 'pin'. Read them out loud if you need to. This helps catch awkward phrasing or missing words.

Lisa, a fashion blogger, once accidentally wrote "shit" instead of "shirt" in a description. Oops! Since then, she always proofreads, and her professional image has remained intact.

Remember, a polished description reflects well on your brand and content. It shows you care about quality down to the smallest detail.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even the savviest Pinterest users can stumble sometimes. Let's look at some common pitfalls and how to sidestep them.

Overstuffing with keywords

You know that friend who tries to cram every detail of their day into a single breath? That's what keyword stuffing looks like in Pinterest descriptions.

"Best chocolate chip cookies recipe easy homemade dessert baking sweet treats food blog yummy snack" might seem like a good idea, but it's a fast track to losing your audience.

Instead, use keywords naturally. "Easy homemade chocolate chip cookies - the perfect sweet treat for your next movie night!"

Being too vague or generic

Generic descriptions are like beige walls - they blend in and get ignored.

"Nice outfit" or "Good recipe" won't cut it. Your description should paint a picture and spark curiosity.

Rather than "Beautiful landscape", try "Misty morning in the Scottish Highlands - discover the hidden loch that inspired this photograph".

Neglecting to include a call-to-action

Imagine giving an amazing sales pitch and then just walking away without asking for the sale. That's what you're doing if you forget a call-to-action (CTA).

Don't assume users will know what to do next. Guide them! "Want to make this? Tap for the full tutorial!" or "Curious about more tips? Visit our blog for the complete guide!"

Ignoring character limits

Pinterest cuts off descriptions after about 50-60 characters on mobile. If you save all the good stuff for the end, most users won't see it.

Front-load your descriptions with the most important info. Instead of "I love making this recipe on weeknights when I'm busy and need something quick and easy", try "Quick & easy weeknight dinner: 15-minute one-pot pasta!"

Avoiding these common mistakes can make a world of difference in your Pinterest performance. It's like upgrading from a flip phone to a smartphone - suddenly, you're playing a whole new game!

3 Pinterest Description Examples

Let's dive into some real-world examples to see these best practices in action. These descriptions will give you a clear idea of how to craft your own attention-grabbing, click-worthy pins.

Before starting with these examples, just want to mention that they were created using our free description generator tool. It's a great way to quickly generate descriptions tailored to your brand and content.

Example 1

"5-Minute DIY Macramé Plant Hanger: Perfect for beginners! Transform your space with this easy, step-by-step tutorial. Elevate your indoor garden today. Click for full instructions and tips on choosing the right plants".

Example 2

"Keto Chocolate Mug Cake: Guilt-free indulgence in 3 minutes! Satisfy your sweet tooth without breaking your diet. Rich, fudgy, and incredibly easy. Tap for the full recipe and discover more quick low-carb desserts".

Example 3

"7 Time-Management Hacks Used by Top CEOs: Boost your productivity and transform your workday. Includes a free printable checklist to keep you on track. Click to unlock these game-changing strategies and reclaim your time".


Crafting the perfect Pinterest description isn't rocket science, but it does require thought and practice. By following these best practices, you're well on your way to creating pins that capture attention and drive traffic to your site.

Remember, your description is your pitch. It's your chance to tell users why they should care about your content. Make every word count.

Think of Emma, our food blogger. When she started implementing these strategies, her Pinterest game changed dramatically. Her click-through rates soared, and her blog traffic doubled in just three months.

You have the tools now. It's time to put them to use and watch your Pinterest performance transform.

Next Steps

Ready to level up your Pinterest game? Here's what you can do right now:

  1. Review your top 5 performing pins. Can you spot any patterns in the descriptions?
  2. Take your 5 least performing pins and rewrite their descriptions using the tips we've covered.
  3. For your next pin, try writing three different descriptions. Ask a friend which one they'd be most likely to click on.
  4. Set a goal to implement at least one new strategy from this article in each pin you create this week.
  5. Start tracking your Pinterest analytics. Note any changes in engagement as you implement these new strategies.

Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you work on your descriptions, the more natural and effective they'll become.

pinterest pin best practices

Don't be afraid to experiment and find what works best for your audience. Your perfect Pinterest description formula is out there – go find it!


How to write a good Pinterest pin description?

Focus on being concise and specific. Use keywords naturally, front-load important information, and include a clear call-to-action. Write in a friendly tone and provide context for your pin. Proofread before posting to ensure accuracy.

How long should Pinterest descriptions be?

Aim for 100-200 characters, which is about 1-2 sentences. Keep it brief but informative. Pinterest cuts off descriptions after about 50-60 characters on mobile, so put crucial information at the beginning.

What are the keywords in Pinterest description?

Keywords are terms users might search for related to your pin. Think about what your target audience would type to find your content. Use these words naturally in your description to improve searchability.

Should I put hashtags in my Pinterest description?

While hashtags can be used on Pinterest, they're not as crucial as on other platforms. If you use them, limit to 2-3 relevant hashtags. Focus more on crafting a compelling description with natural keywords.

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