10 Tips for A/B Testing in Pinterest and Boost Your Results

10 minutes
a/b testing in Pinterest

You've been struggling to get more clicks on your Pinterest pins, right? Well, I've got some exciting news for you. 🥳

By implementing Pinterest A/B testing, I managed to boost my click-through rates by 35% in just one month.

This powerful strategy can revolutionize your Pinterest account, helping you understand what resonates with your audience and drives real results.

Are you ready to discover how Pinterest A/B testing works and skyrocket your traffic? Let's dive in!

The only way to win is to learn faster than anyone else.

Eric Ries

Eric Ries

He's an American entrepreneur and blogger.

What is Pinterest A/B Testing?

Pinterest A/B testing is a method to compare two versions of a pin or ad to see which one performs better. It's like a friendly competition between two designs, helping you make data-driven decisions about your Pinterest content.

Quick introduction to A/B Testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is pretty straightforward. You create two versions of your pin, changing just one element. Then, you show these versions to different groups of your audience and see which one gets more engagement.

For example, you might test two different pin images with the same title. Or you could try two different titles with the same image. The key is to change only one thing at a time.

Here is an example of our Pinterest account; same image but different CTA on the pin.

In this case, the right pin has more engagement and clicks, that means the user is more likely to click on "Boost your Pinterest views" more than "5k to 50k Monthly Views"... noted!

Benefits of A/B Testing

A/B testing on Pinterest comes with a treasure trove of benefits. Let's break them down:

  • Boosts engagement rates: More repins, clicks, and follows
  • Saves time and resources: Focus on what works, not guesswork
  • Deepens audience understanding: Learn what your viewers prefer
  • Keeps you trend-savvy: Stay in tune with what's working now
  • Improves ROI: Optimize your pins for better campaign performance
  • Provides data-driven decisions: Take the emotion out of your strategy
  • Enhances content quality: Continuously improve your pin designs
  • Increases conversion rates: Turn more viewers into customers
  • Minimizes risk: Test ideas before full-scale implementation
  • Personalizes user experience: Tailor content to different audience segments
pinterest a/b testing for content optimization

Even small improvements can lead to big results over time.

10 Strategies for A/B Testing in Pinterest

Ready to dive into some powerful A/B testing strategies for Pinterest? Let's start with the basics.

1. Pin Image Variations

Your pin's image is the first thing users see, so it's crucial to get it right. Try testing different styles, colors, or layouts. You might compare a photo against an illustration, or a busy image versus a minimalist one.

For instance, you could create two versions of a recipe pin: one showing the finished dish, another displaying the ingredients. See which one gets more engagement.

2. Pin Title Optimization

Your pin's title can make or break its success. It's worth experimenting with different approaches here. You might test a question title against a statement, or try including numbers in one version.

For example, "How to Boost Your Traffic with Pinterest" versus "5 Pinterest Secrets for Explosive Traffic Growth". Keep your titles clear and compelling, and see which style resonates more with your audience.

titles and descriptions for pinterest branding

3. Description Content and Length

Don't overlook the power of a good description. Test different lengths and content styles. You could try a short, punchy description against a longer, more detailed one.

You might also experiment with the information you include. One version could focus on the benefits of clicking through, while another could provide a teaser of what's on your linked page.

what to put in pinterest description

The key is to find what motivates your audience to engage with your pin.

4. Ad Copy Variations

When running promoted pins, your ad copy can make a big difference. Try testing different tones or messaging styles. You might compare a friendly, conversational approach against a more formal one.

For example, "Hey there! Want to skyrocket your blog traffic?" versus "Increase Your Blog Traffic with Proven Strategies". See which resonates better with your audience.

The goal is to entice users to click through, so make your copy compelling and relevant.

5. Targeting Options

Pinterest offers various targeting options, and A/B testing can help you find the sweet spot. Test different audience segments against each other.

You could compare targeting based on interests versus keywords, or try different age groups or locations.

what is targeting on pinterest

Let's say you're promoting a fitness product. You might test an audience interested in "workout routines" against one interested in "healthy living". The results could surprise you and help refine your targeting strategy.

6. Ad Formats

Pinterest offers several ad formats, and it's worth testing to see which works best for your content. Compare standard pins against video pins or carousel ads.

Each format has its strengths, and your audience might prefer one over the others.

what is targeting on pinterest

For instance, if you're promoting a how-to guide, you could test a static image pin against a video pin showing a quick tutorial. Track which format drives more engagement and clicks.

This can help you decide where to focus your efforts in future campaigns.

7. Landing Page Optimization

Your pin is just the beginning – where you send users matters too. Test different landing pages to see which converts better. You might compare a dedicated landing page against a regular blog post.

For example, create two versions of your landing page: one with a prominent email sign-up form, another focusing on product information. See which one keeps visitors engaged longer or leads to more conversions.

This can help you create a seamless experience from pin to purchase.

8. Bid Strategies

If you're running paid campaigns, test different bidding strategies. Compare automatic bidding against manual bids, or test different bid amounts. You might find that a slightly higher bid leads to significantly better results.

Try setting one campaign with a conservative bid and another with a more aggressive one. Monitor not just the impressions and clicks, but also the overall ROI. Sometimes, spending a bit more can lead to much better returns.

9. Timing and Scheduling

The when can be just as important as the what. Test posting your pins at different times or days of the week. You might find your audience is more responsive during certain hours.

For instance, try scheduling some pins for weekday mornings and others for weekend evenings. Track which timing leads to more engagement.

how to schedule pins on pinterest

This can help you create a posting schedule that maximizes your pin's visibility and interaction.

10. Rich Pin Types

Rich Pins provide extra information directly on the pin. Test different types of Rich Pins to see which performs best for your content. Compare product pins against article pins, or recipe pins against app pins.

If you're a food blogger, you could test a regular pin of a recipe against a Rich Recipe Pin. The Rich Pin might provide more value upfront, but does it lead to more click-throughs?

These tests can help you decide which pin types to focus on for different content.

4 Best Practices to Get Better Results!

Follow these best practices to ensure your tests are effective and your results are reliable:

  • Test One Variable at a Time: Keep it simple. Change only one element per test, whether it's the image, title, or description. This way, you'll know exactly what caused any performance differences.
  • Ensure Statistical Significance: Don't rush to conclusions. Aim for at least 1000 impressions per variant before making decisions. Use a statistical significance calculator if you're unsure. Remember, reliable data leads to better decisions.
  • Keep Your Control and Test Groups Consistent: Treat your test like a scientific experiment. Ensure your A and B groups have the same audience targeting, duration, and budget (for paid campaigns). This consistency ensures your results are due to the test variable, not other factors.
  • Document and Learn from All Tests: Every test is a goldmine of information. Keep detailed records of what you tested, the results, and your insights. Use a spreadsheet or project management tool to track your tests. Over time, you'll build a wealth of knowledge about what works for your Pinterest audience.

By following these best practices, you'll get more accurate results and make smarter decisions about your Pinterest strategy.

Do not forget, A/B testing is a journey of continuous improvement!


You're now equipped with the knowledge to rock your Pinterest A/B testing game! Success on Pinterest isn't about guesswork – it's about data-driven decisions. By consistently testing and refining your approach, you'll uncover what truly resonates with your audience.

What's Next?

Now it's time to put these strategies into action. Start small – pick one element to test this week. Maybe it's your pin image or title. Set up your test, let it run, and analyze the results.

Then, use those insights to inform your next test.

Don't be afraid to experiment and learn from both successes and failures. Each test brings you one step closer to Pinterest mastery. Keep testing, keep learning, and watch your Pinterest performance soar.

The path to more engagement, clicks, and conversions starts with your very next pin!

How long should I run an A/B test on Pinterest?

Run your Pinterest A/B test for at least two weeks. This timeframe allows for different user behaviors across weekdays and weekends. However, if you're not getting enough data, extend the test. The key is to gather enough information to make informed decisions, so be patient and let the data guide you.

What sample size do I need for reliable A/B test results on Pinterest?

Aim for at least 1000 impressions per variant in your Pinterest A/B test. This sample size helps ensure your results are statistically significant and not just random chance. If your pins typically get less engagement, you might need to run the test longer to reach this threshold. Remember, more data leads to more reliable insights.

Can I test multiple variables at once in my Pinterest ads?

It's best to test one variable at a time in your Pinterest ads. Changing multiple elements simultaneously makes it hard to pinpoint what caused any performance differences. Stick to testing a single variable, like the image or title, to get clear, actionable results. This approach helps you make precise improvements to your Pinterest strategy.

How do I interpret the results of my Pinterest A/B tests?

Look at engagement metrics like clicks, saves, and close-ups to interpret your Pinterest A/B test results. If one version consistently outperforms the other across these metrics, you've found a winner. Don't just focus on one metric - consider the overall performance. Also, check if the difference is statistically significant before drawing conclusions.

Are there any best practices for A/B testing on Pinterest that differ from other platforms?

Pinterest is highly visual, so focus more on image testing than you might on other platforms. Also, consider testing Rich Pins against standard pins, as this feature is unique to Pinterest. Pay attention to seasonal trends, as Pinterest users often plan ahead. Lastly, remember that Pinterest's audience is predominantly female, which might influence your test results.

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